Logo Use

Logo lockups

There are two approved logo lockups, horizontal and stacked. The stacked is preferred, but the horizontal may be used when vertical space is limited.

Clear space around the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation logo is important to maintain the integrity of the mark. Do not use the logo in close association with other graphic or text elements or in the context of a headline or copy. The diagram below illustrates the minimum amount of clear space required.

Clear space around stacked logo lock up

x = Stacked lockup clear space

Clear space around horizontal logo lock up

x = Horizontal lockup clear space


Logo resources

Use the buttons below to download all versions of our logo in a variety of formats for both digital and print use—as well as the guide for appropriate logo use.

Logo colors

The logo may be reproduced in only the approved colors shown. (Also available in horizontal lockup version.)

2-color purple tinted logo version

2-Color purple version (tinted) on white background

2-color purple solid logo version

2-Color purple version (solid) on white background

1-color purple logo version

1-Color purple version on white

2-color navy tinted logo version

2-Color navy version (tinted) on white background

2-color navy solid logo version

2-Color navyversion (solid) on white background

1-color navy logo version

1-Color navy version on white background

1-color black tinted logo version

1-Color black version (tinted) on white background

1-color black solid logo version

1-Color black version (solid) on white background


Reversed tinted logo version on primary purple

Reversed version (tinted) on primary purple background

Reversed solid logo version on primary purple

Reversed version (solid) on primary purple background

Reversed tinted logo version on primary navy

Reversed version (tinted) on primary navy background

Reversed tinted logo version on black

Reversed version (tinted) on black background

Reversed solid logo version on primary navy

Reversed version (solid) on primary navy background

Reversed solid logo version on black

Reversed version (solid) on black background


Incorrect logo usage

Proper use of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation logo is essential for maintaining and protecting the RWJF identity. The following examples illustrate incorrect applications of the RWJF logo. Always use master logo artwork for reproduction. The Foundation’s logo may only be used with permission. To obtain permission, please contact creativerequests@rwjf.org.

Incorrect logo configuration with wings on left side

Do not change the configuration of the logo

Incorrect logo with inappropriate tinting of entire logo

Do not tint the logo outside of specified values

Incorrect logo that has been rotated

Do not rotate any part of the logo for any reason

Incorrect logo used over a busy pattern

Do not place the logo on a pattern

Incorrect logo with unapproved typeface used

Do not redraw or re-typeset elements of the logo

Incorrect logo using gradient in wings

Do not apply a gradient to any part of the logo

Incorrect logo that has been skewed and distorted

Do not distort or change the shape of the logo

Incorrect logo placed inside a shape

Do not place the logo within a shape

Incorrect logo using inappropriate colors

Do not apply unspecified color values to the logo

Incorrect logo using outlines for typography and wings

Do not outline any part of the logo for any reason

Incorrect logo placement over photo with poor readability

Do not place the logo on a busy image for any reason

Incorrect logo locked up with Johnson and Johnson logo

Do not create a lock-up with another logo, tagline or copy


Logo resources

Use the buttons below to download all versions of our logo in a variety of formats for both digital and print use—as well as the guide for appropriate logo use.