Video requirements


File format: mp4 or MOV; plus SRT

Dimensions: 1080 x 1920 px

Resolution: HD video


Video resources

Use the button below to download the guide for video specifications and requirements.

Required brand anchor

The RWJF watermark is required in the bottom right corner throughout the guts of all videos. No need to use during the intro and animated close moments of the video.


Required brand animated close

All videos must end with the most current RWJF brand animated close. There are several options available for download:

Color - or - Gray
Logo Only - or - “Supported by” and Logo
Animated - or - Static
MP4 - or - ProRes 444


Video captions

Create, finesse and burn in captions.

Use your preferred method to create an SRT file and ensure that all captions are fully proofed. To help align with our specific standards, we have created the RWJF Writing Style Guide convey preferences that frequently arise when creating RWJF materials. Visit for this reference guide.


Caption readability can be improved by intentional line breaks. Realize that shorter strings of copy are easier to track and digest. Captions should be two lines at most and should be broken where natural conversation breaks. 

Burn into file in a consistent location, at legible size, making sure not to overlap the brand anchor in lower right corner.

Video title

Grab attention. Use key words.

Entice curiosity and convey the video’s main idea within 50 characters. Include relevant keywords and avoid anything that doesn’t help search function or user’s understanding.



An Immediate change 

Grandfamilies: Joanne Clough and Diane Roznowski


Seniors and isolation: A quick fix.

The beauty of Grandfamilies during Covid

Video description

Beware of length, and frontload.

Keep all critical information at start because while there’s a 1000 character max, only the first 100 characters are shown. After that, viewers have to click “SHOW MORE” to see the full description. End all descriptions with a link back to related web page/material on


License agreement required.


Video resources

Use the button below to download the guide for video specifications and requirements.